by YWP Admin | Jun 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Most of us can tell the difference between when someone is being friendly versus if they are being responsive. For example, when I visit the school I attended and where my mom still teaches, I say hello to the principal, superintendent, and teachers when I see them in...
by YWP Admin | Jun 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Sometimes, you don’t know the inner workings of things but know that they do work. For example, when I was little, I knew that the inside of the oven was hot and that the heat baked cookies and our dinners, but until I rose on tip-toe to see the cookies as they cooled...
by YWP Admin | Jun 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
The fact is that more people browse the internet on their phones than on their desktop purely out of convenience. Nine times out of ten when I am looking something up or browsing the Internet, I am not on my computer. Instead, I am sitting in the passenger seat of my...
by YWP Admin | Jun 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
More often than not, it seems that the first result on Google search results has some fine print underneath it; You might see that the first result has fine print beneath the name. “Paid Ad by Google,” it will probably say. You might be wondering how this company...
by YWP Admin | May 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
Last year, my computer saw a lot of me during quarantine. Between working from home, looking up information on COVID-19, watching Netflix after work, and online browsing and shopping, I was on a lot of websites every day! In fact, my friends and I joked that if there...
by YWP Admin | May 19, 2021 | Uncategorized
When I was in high school, my favorite teacher taught one of my least favorite subjects: science. His tests were notoriously difficult not because of the content, but because of how he formatted them in a way that got us to think outside the box and prepare us for...