How Can Advertising on Google Help Me?

The world of online advertising can seem tricky, immense, and often downright creepy. (For example, my family was discussing Christmas gifts over Thanksgiving, and we all had identical advertisements pop up on our social media over the next few days.) When you add in...

When to Consider Redesigning

Every so often, my mom gets the urge to redo her entire home. We are talking more than just a simple redecorating — she wants new floors, cabinets, paint color, countertops, and everything rearranged. Of course, this doesn’t happen too often, and the whole house...

Reasons to Redesign a Website

We all have things we keep around longer than we know we should simply because we can. It’s still working just fine, or it still fits, or it feels wasteful to throw it out. They may be well past their prime, but they still do what they’re supposed to, and “if it isn’t...