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The flexibility of Google Ads Campaigns
Google Ads is extremely flexible to meet the needs of your business. From seasonal campaigns to fixed budgets, there really is room for just about everyone in this boat. Seasonal Campaigns When your business has hard seasonal swings like roofers and landscapers do,...
Pay Per Click? What is that?
Pay per click advertising is an online advertising method in which you pay only for the instances where someone clicks on your ad. People viewing your ad without clicking it cost you nothing. Those views are called impressions and, while some ads are billed on...
How does Google Ads help People find my Business?
If you’re looking to put your business out for more people to find, Google Ads is a fantastic way to do just that. With Google Ads, there are tools that show you all of the data that is needed to develop proper ads and keywords. This data includes demographics,...
What is Google Ads?
In 2000, Google released their advertisement platform where advertisers get to display products, mobile apps, videos, and service offerings on Google’s search and display networks. The platform allows for advertisers to pay for clicks, which is usually around a dollar...
How Social Media Management Works
Social media management is a service we have offered for a number of years. The basic idea is simple: We plan and post so you can focus on other things. Down in the trenches, a lot more goes on. Here is the run down: 1. Planning Meetings We start with a planning...
What in the World can we Post now?
Keeping your business active in social media is important, but a common struggle with many business owners and marketing professionals. What to post and when can be hard to keep up with. There are some simple guidelines to help make this easier. Plan Around Topics One...
How can I make time for Social Media?
Alright, so I know I need to be using social media in my business, but how do I find time for it? That is the struggle we hear from business owners quite often. Everyone is busy and adding one more iron to the fire is not going to help. With the right resources this...
Does my Company really need to be posting to Social Media?
A common question we hear is whether or not a company really involved in social media as business. Sure, most people have profiles for their personal connections, but maybe not for their companies. The answer is: maybe. Most likely, yes. Your customers are on social...
What is Social Media?
Social Media is the not-so-new buzz word for many things. Like Coke. You mean Sprite, right? The official definition reads, “Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.” Social media sites like...
If you build it, they will come? False
You have probably heard of the movie, “The Field of Dreams.” the basic plot is that if they build a baseball field in their corn field, the players will just show up and the fans will come to watch. It is great for a movie plot, maybe not so much for your business....
What makes you Show up Better?
The most common question we hear from people about their websites is, “What makes our website show up better?” The answer is multifaceted, but normally they are asking specifically about search engine ranks. The other two involve social media attention and links from...
How Search Engines Index
Understanding how search engines crawl around the internet and gather information can help you make informed decisions about online marketing. Most search engines work in generally the same manner with. Let’s dig into how that works. Spiders The search engines...