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He Has Come!
The word “advent” means “coming” in Latin, and today -- Christmas Day -- we celebrate that the King has come! On a day that is often filled with noise, cheer, family, food, and loved ones, I think back to the day Jesus was born. While Christmas today has become a...
Can Advertising on YouTube Help My Business?
If you have recently pulled up anything on YouTube, you have likely had to sit through at least a few seconds of an advertisement before you could watch your video. Sometimes you can click off the advertisement after 10 or 15 seconds, and others, a notice pops up that...
What did the Messiah Do?
One of the staples of a child growing up in my home church was the “WWJD” bracelets we all seemed to have. They were handed out in our Sunday School classes and probably during Children’s Church as well, and we were encouraged to ask ourselves before responding to...
Google Ads Retargeting and Remarketing
Google offers several ways to retarget, or remarket, your ads to people who’ve previously interacted with your business. For example, a person searching for new shoes to purchase may visit many websites and will notice that as they browse one, an ad for a site they...
Who is the Messiah?
“For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will...
Why Do We Need a Messiah?
Christmas is coming, and it isn’t called the most wonderful time of the year for no reason! In addition to seeing loved ones, giving and receiving gifts, and the decorations strung up around homes and through town, Christmas is a time to celebrate the coming of the...
What Does Display Advertising Do?
Have you ever been scrolling through your Facebook feed after a long day and had an advertisement grab your attention seemingly out of nowhere? Do you get sucked in to watching video advertisements on social media or find yourself clicking on an ad that you saw pop up...
How Can Advertising on Google Help Me?
The world of online advertising can seem tricky, immense, and often downright creepy. (For example, my family was discussing Christmas gifts over Thanksgiving, and we all had identical advertisements pop up on our social media over the next few days.) When you add in...
When to Consider Redesigning
Every so often, my mom gets the urge to redo her entire home. We are talking more than just a simple redecorating -- she wants new floors, cabinets, paint color, countertops, and everything rearranged. Of course, this doesn’t happen too often, and the whole house has...
How We Can Help You Reach More Customers on Social Media
It may seem like an uphill battle to reach customers with so many different things both good and bad clamoring for our attention on social media. Alongside algorithm changes following Mark Zuckerburg’s declaration that Facebook wanted you, the consumer, to take the...
Reasons to Redesign a Website
We all have things we keep around longer than we know we should simply because we can. It’s still working just fine, or it still fits, or it feels wasteful to throw it out. They may be well past their prime, but they still do what they’re supposed to, and “if it isn’t...
Can Your Social Media Profile Benefit From More Frequent Posting?
The algorithm many social media sites use is confusing at best. Since the implementation of the new Facebook algorithm changes, many brands have watched as their organic reach (the amount of people your posts reach through unpaid advertising) decrease dramatically by...