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What Does Display Advertising Do?

Have you ever been scrolling through your Facebook feed after a long day and had an advertisement grab your attention seemingly out of nowhere? Do you get sucked in to watching video advertisements on social media or find yourself clicking on an ad that you saw pop up...

How Can Advertising on Google Help Me?

The world of online advertising can seem tricky, immense, and often downright creepy. (For example, my family was discussing Christmas gifts over Thanksgiving, and we all had identical advertisements pop up on our social media over the next few days.) When you add in...

When to Consider Redesigning

Every so often, my mom gets the urge to redo her entire home. We are talking more than just a simple redecorating -- she wants new floors, cabinets, paint color, countertops, and everything rearranged. Of course, this doesn’t happen too often, and the whole house has...

Reasons to Redesign a Website

We all have things we keep around longer than we know we should simply because we can. It’s still working just fine, or it still fits, or it feels wasteful to throw it out. They may be well past their prime, but they still do what they’re supposed to, and “if it isn’t...

Website Grandpas

Have you ever visited a site only to see that, while it was still working fine and everything looked to be working the way it was supposed to, it appeared a little outdated? Sure, the links and buttons and forms were all functioning, the site itself loaded in a timely...

New Website: Gary’s Piano Service

Though Gary’s Piano Service has only been official for about 20 years, owner Gary Dennis has been tuning and servicing pianos for longer. The company started in Paris, Texas, when Gary started tuning pianos after his job as a school teacher. While he has been a...

New Website: The Boot Helper

The Boot Helper is a tool made to ensure that its user no longer has to struggle with the oftentimes tedious and sometimes painful process of putting on boots. For all who struggle to bend down or reach to pull on their boots, whether due to injury, stiffness,...

New Website: Mustang Homes & Land

Located in Lubbock, Texas, and serving the South Plains for more than fifty years, Mustang Homes and Land offers manufactured and modular homes from less than 400 to over 3000 square feet as well as plots of land. Mustang Homes and Land extends high-quality products...

New Website: Plainview EDC

The Plainview-Hale County Economic Development Corporation exists to assist those living and working in or moving to the Plainview-Hale County area. Plainview is located less than an hour from Lubbock and just over an hour from Amarillo and is known for its low taxes,...

What Makes You Relevant to People on Facebook?

Sometimes posting on Facebook can feel like you are talking to an empty room: you are speaking, but no one hears, or at least no one responds to what you have said. Posting over and over with little to no interaction can start to be monotonous and draining, and you...