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Who is the Messiah?

What has always been clear is that Jesus was the promised savior. Throughout the Old Testament, it was prophesied that the Messiah -- the one who would save the world -- was coming. Perhaps the most telling passage is in Isaiah, when it is proclaimed that He will be...

‘Tis the Season for Social Media!

This has been a year where, for the most part, screen time limits have been tossed to the side and we have all collectively been spending more time than maybe ever staring at screens. Between Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and television, many people have been...

The Weary World Rejoices

Christmas is coming, and at the end of a year that has been anything but peaceful and normal, it seems as though the world has been waiting for this time of year. Long before decorations would be up during a “normal” year, homes around town have been alight with...

Why Online Advertising is What Your Business Needs

Even before the world had to adapt and move largely online during the coronavirus pandemic, online advertising was one of the most effective ways to advertise. The truth is that people are on their phones browsing social media more than they are out and about looking...

How to Make Email More Secure

While many people send text messages to communicate these days, email is certainly not going anywhere. Not only is it the primary method of communication with most businesses, but an email address is also required for nearly everything you have to sign up for online....

Facebook Advertising for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is now just over a week away, and more than ever, people are thinking about the holiday season. Every time I leave my house to go pick up my curbside grocery order or to go for a drive, there are more and more houses with their Christmas lights up,...

Lubbock Auto Auction: New Website

For over 70 years, Lubbock Auto Auction has been the premiere automobile auction for all of West Texas. Lubbock Auto Auction strives to match the price for buyers and sellers who are looking for quality vehicles. With a team ranging from truck drivers who bring cars...

Google AdWords

It’s been a weird year, and my sister and I strongly felt that we could all use a little extra cheer. With that in mind, we started putting up our Christmas decorations on Halloween. We also put out candy for trick or treaters (though we only had two kids show up in...

How Your Email is Putting You at Risk

Around once or twice a month, I will open one of my four email inboxes to find a message notifying me of a “suspicious login attempt” from somewhere in a part of the world I have never visited. The message will say something like, “Someone tried to log in to your...

Why Is My Email So Susceptible?

I have never understood the people who keep their email inboxes littered with unread promotions, random messages, and more. My email accounts (like most people, I have several) are checked multiple times throughout the day and regularly cleaned out when a message is...

The Perfect Time to Start Advertising

In what seems to be simultaneously the longest year ever and also the shortest, the holiday season is quickly approaching! The world is still uncertain, and shopping in person for Christmas gifts, decorations, or even holiday deep cleaning may be daunting or risky for...

How Hosting Impacts Your Site

At some point or another, we have all had a thought that a seemingly small decision we make will not significantly impact other parts of our lives. For example, I decided one day that it didn’t matter all that much if I decided not to save my work on a big final paper...