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Hub City Body Shop: New Website

Car damage is not something anyone wants or anticipates, but if and when it happens, you want the best of the best working on your vehicle to get you back on the road! Hub City Body Shop in Lubbock, Texas, offers a wide variety of car repair services, including...

How to Choose a Website Host

I inherited my need for a plan and lots of research from my dad. He has always looked at every possible option before committing to something, and I find that I now do the exact same thing. From planning trips to making a big purchase to figuring out where I was going...

What Does Two-Factor Authentication Do?

In college, my university started using a two-factor authentication system for logging in to our student portals my last semester. I was among the many students who were annoyed. Not only had I never used two-factor authentication before, but I also was often logging...

Why Host Your Site with Your Web Pro?

I ordered a new laptop charger a few months ago. My personal computer is older and was a high school graduation gift from my grandparents, so I was not exactly thrilled at the idea of spending upwards of $80 on a new one. I figured that buying a cheap replacement...

How Safe is Your Site?

I used to always use one of a few password options for every last thing I did. Whether it was my login for my online college classes, my email address, my Facebook account, or my Instagram page, I knew that my password would be one of two things. If neither of those...

Why Does It Matter Where Your Site is Hosted?

When I was trying to switch my phone number to my own data plan, I spent literal hours on the phone with various customer service reps over a few days in order to get the issue resolved. Between being shuffled between representatives who promised the next person I...

SEO Services with Your Web Pro

You would not drive your car without insurance, so why are you running your website without having it optimized for search engine result pages? While the result is maybe not as disastrous as a car accident without insurance, if your website is not using SEO, you are...

Why Do You Need SEO?

My grandparents still speak fondly of days when we did not carry tiny computers in our pockets and had to go to an encyclopedia for answers when we had questions or Yellow Pages when we were looking for a specific service. Cellphones, and particularly smartphones that...

Steps for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

I obsessively check my email multiple times a day. I am one of those people who cannot stand to have notification alerts lingering on my phone! Most of the emails I receive in my personal inbox are for companies I once signed up to receive messages from, but I rarely...

New Content, New Google Ranking?

If you own or run a business or are otherwise invested in where a company ranks on Google's search engine result page, you may notice that it can feel impossible to move to that coveted first spot on the first page. When you consider that few people look past the...

PR Divers: New Website

Professional Recovery Divers LLC, or PR Divers, works in Lubbock, Texas, and areas across the region to recover lost possessions. The company operates under the motto “Essayons”, which translates to “Let Us Try.” Simply stated, PR Divers works to exceed your...

Lukat Detail: New Website

If you have a car paint job that feels impossible to fix, you are in luck. There is no need to pay thousands to get the color or shine on your car restored. Lukat Fix It Color and Gloss Restorer is the best auto paint restoration, polisher, and sealer around. You can...