How Search Engines Work

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In general, most of us who do not own websites probably just take search engine results as they come. We likely aren’t wondering how the person at the top of the first page got to be there or what sponsored ads to click on or why a certain website is not ranked higher in the results. Most of us likely also do not click past the first page of results, and many of us do not even click on anything past the first few results on the first page. For these reasons, it is important that your website perform well in search engine results. If you own a website, it can feel like it is a fruitless process and like you are working hard with nothing to show for it. The good news is that there are several things you can do to improve your ranking on search engine result pages. One of the first things you can do is learn how search engines work.


Search engines work by using “web crawlers” (also referred to as search engine bots or spiders) to visit billions of pages every day. They follow links on web pages and download their content to discover new pages or content that has been made available. This is called indexing. A search engine’s index stores all the data from new discoveries. An index includes all the URLs as well as key signals and topics of the URL such as keywords, content (pictures, text, videos, etc.), the age of the page (is it new or recently updated?) and user engagement with the domain. Indexing allows the search engine to determine what is relevant and new content that internet users will likely want to see. Because the entire aim of a search engine is to provide its user with content that is almost exact to what they are looking for, indexing is a vital part of this process. It helps narrow down what users will see.

To learn more about how we can help you climb search engine result pages, get in touch today!