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Vander-Plas LaFreniere Law Firm: New Website
When you need legal help, you deserve the best assistance possible. Vander-Plas LaFreniere, PLLC is here to help you. Vander-Plas LaFreniere, PLLC offers more than legal jargon your everyday person will not understand. Instead, they will work with you to find and...
Facebook Isn’t All Bad!
Facebook gets a bad rap, and perhaps some of it is warranted, but it remains true that advertising on Facebook is one of the most effective places for you to gain new business! If you are looking to improve your sales, drive more traffic to your website, and increase...
Patterson Ranch: New Website
The way of life is just different in west Texas than it is anywhere else, and so is the beef. Patterson Ranch, located near Whiteface, Texas, is a multi-generational, family-owned and operated beef operation focused on giving your family the best beef around. Whether...
Lubbock Housing Authority: New Website
Lubbock Housing Authority exists to help the people of Lubbock with affordable housing solutions. With cost of living rising and average income largely staying the same, Lubbock Housing Authority's mission is to serve our community and increase access to affordable...
Why Facebook Ads Are So Effective
While on vacation with my family last week, I could not count how many times someone complimented another's hat, swimsuit, shoes, or bag, only to be told, "Thanks! It's from a Facebook ad." My family often jokes about how our phones are listening to us when we have...
Copper Caboose: New Website
The original Copper Caboose was located at the corner of 4th & Boston Avenue in the shadows of Texas Tech’s AT&T Jones Stadium. Founded in 1977 by Frank Smith, and brothers, John & Frank Fitzpatrick, the Caboose is credited with serving Lubbock’s Original...
Should I Redesign My Site?
Since buying my house, I find that I am constantly looking at things to change about it. We are talking more than just a simple redecorating -- sometimes I want new floors, cabinets, paint color, countertops, and everything rearranged. Of course, the whole house has...
All Guns Blazing Ammo Supply: New Website
All Guns Blazing Ammo Supply was officially founded by Jerry Prater as an online gun ammo store in 2022, but they have years of experience helping you get the ammo you need. Jerry brings many years of management leadership and is not only quality driven and...
When and Why You Should Redesign Your Site
We all have things we keep around longer than we know we should simply because we can. It’s still working just fine, or it still fits, or it feels wasteful to throw it out. They may be well past their prime, but they still do what they’re supposed to, and “if it isn’t...
Andersen Landscape Maintenance: New Website
by Grant Langford | Jun 16, 2022 | New Website Andersen Landscape Maintenance's goal is always to help you have a beautiful, weed free lawn at a price point you can afford. They promise to make sure that your lawn is cared for and weeds are removed and prevented....
Garza County Health District: New Website
The Garza County Health District was founded in April of 1969 with a mission to make finding and accessing health care in Post and other areas in Garza County easier and more efficient. Garza County is a rural county located along U.S. Highway 380, U.S. Highway 84,...
Reset Your Site – Is it Time to Redesign?
When my sister and I were preparing to move out of our college house, we found that we had little time and patience to pack things up that we had accumulated over the past four years. As we went through our things, my sister was quick to throw out or donate anything...