The hosting of your website is something most people do not think about until there is an issue. If you have ever had a problem with your website and spent hours on the phone on hold, passing from representative to representative, you know why this is a bad idea! Even if you did not care who was hosting your website before a problem popped up, you certainly do when you are trying to resolve the situation. Website hosting should be simple, and we do just that at Your Web Pro. We offer one hosting service that sets us apart from the big companies. Your Web Pro has fully managed service, extra security, and excellent customer service. You will not be reduced to a number or spend hours on hold as you wait for your issue to be resolved if you host your website with Your Web Pro.
Our team frequently checks in on your website when you host with us. We monitor your site for suspicious activity, run site updates to ensure optimal security, and take care of the technical end of your website for you from your blog to your email inbox. Maintaining your site and keeping it updated will help keep it safe from viruses and hackers. Our servers are not overloaded with accounts, and we run nightly backups to off-site servers for storage and extra safety. We can even filter spam emails from your inbox and email you monthly statistics reports. Our hosting services work to keep your website running at its prime and prevent big issues such as hacking and viruses from coming up.
Your Web Pro offers hosting services that are different from most major companies. At Your Web Pro, you are more than a customer service number or another unknown website loaded onto a crowded server. We underload our servers and are able to work on your website the second an issue may come up without submitting a ticket or going through red tape. Contact us today to learn more!
Our Office: (806)771-5022