Search engine optimization, or the process of making your website as perfect as possible with keywords, textual phrases, and images so it is ranked higher on search engine result pages such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, is a useful tool, but it is good for more than an increase in your ranking. SEO can not only help you show up higher on search engine result pages, but can also increase the quality and volume of traffic to your website. There are a number of reasons SEO is essential to your website and your business.
For starters, SEO is designed to help improve your search engine ranking. As you add relevant content to your site or update it, search engines index it, or identify the keywords and phrases that best fit the page and assign it to those keywords, and help to move you higher on the results page. This moves more traffic (and higher quality traffic, as your site moves up) to your website. Because a great majority of internet users do not click past the first page of results (and even more only click on the first five results) this traffic can be invaluable.
SEO will also help your conversion rate in your online store. Your conversion rate is the number of people who visit your website and become a customer. SEO can help weed out the people who are not genuine customers and bring in visitors who are looking for your specific product or service. Targeting and converting potential visitors into genuine customers increases your sales.
Search engine optimization is a necessity for your website and business’s success, and Your Web Pro is proud to offer several different options for SEO. Contact us today to learn how you can improve your sales, your website, and your search engine ranking!
Our Office: (806)771-5022