Every so often, my mom gets the urge to redo her entire home. We are talking more than just a simple redecorating — she wants new floors, cabinets, paint color, countertops, and everything rearranged. Of course, this doesn’t happen too often, and the whole house has yet to undergo the massive transformation she talks about, but she considers a redesign with some relative frequency. Similar to your home, your website will also need some redesigning, redecorating, rearranging, and updating. While you don’t have to live in your website, it is something you visit, work on, and see often, and you want it looking and running the best it possibly can for all its visitors!
Your Web Pro recommends considering a redesign every 18 months. This timeline allows time for your website to do what it is supposed to and offers you time to consider a redesign before things change too much. When you consider that there is a new iPhone released about once a year, it seems rational to think about updating or redesigning your website more often. Things move fast in our world, and you don’t want your website to be left behind because it doesn’t look current or doesn’t run efficiently. You should also consider a redesign when anything major happens for your company such as a second location opening, new ownership or management, changes in the offering or industry, or a relocation. This is important information that you want your customers to know!
A redesign is more than a facelift for your website. It increases the likelihood of visitors returning to your site, encourages them to stay and browse around, and it ensures that your site is up-to-date and running a user-friendly interface. A redesign can help your site function more effectively and create an experience that customers will want to return to. Your Web Pro is happy to assist you with your website redesign. Get in touch today to learn more!
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